From the EYES Of…SB Knight, rebuilding through writing, career is born

SB Knight and his wife (Courtesy photo)

AK Dale


WEST VIRGINIA – Call it therapy or label it an instrument of survival, but putting thoughts down on paper or on keyboard may have made all the difference in SB Knight.

A decade later he is the author of Born of Blood the first book of the Blood Chronicles.

But not before giving his symbolic pound of flesh.

“Ten years ago I was struggling to get through a very difficult time in my life,” Knight said. “I began writing my thoughts and feelings during that time and found it very helpful. I truly believe I survived because of the combination of my faith and writing. A fire was lit and I continued to build on my writing but kept it a secret – except for my wife – until a poem I wrote was read at my dad’s funeral. I was blessed with writing during tough times in my life…that motivates me and drives me to continue writing.”

A civil/environmental engineer from West Virginia, Knight has been married to a “very supportive” wife of six years.

“She is my biggest fan,” he said of his better half, who he shares two children with. “They both know about my writing but too young for me to allow them to read any of it.”

He finds the time to write, but working a demanding day job and also being a co-owner of Premium Promotional Services, can make for a tough time to steal opportunities to create.

SB Knight’s “Born of Blood” (courtesy art)

“It can be difficult but the great thing about writing is you can fit it in anywhere,” Knight said. “I write early in the morning and late at night, which I prefer. Balance is the biggest obstacle because I also make it a priority to spend time with my family.”

Knight has found the time over the past six years to complete the first book Born of Blood which has had a strong showing out of the gate. He plans of his sequel Drago’s Revenge to come out in October. The third novel is expected to be under contract so Knight won’t be able to reveal that title at press time.

For Knight, success is not just getting a book out in print, although it is quite nice.

“Success is a toss-up between getting news my current novel is being published and hearing from readers about how much they enjoyed reading my (work),” Knight said.

“Just being published is a success to me. My goal now is to sustain a writing career and ultimately see one or more of my titles as a movie.”

Of course before any of that happens, he has to get his work past the supportive and critical eye of his wife.

“My wife is a major source of encouragement to me and my writing,” Knight said. “She reads my novels, I share story ideas with her, and I can count on her for honest feedback. That is critically important to an author.”

What is also critical is an ability to realize that their next work should be their best one and the one after that should be even better and the following one should…

“I feel that each novel is an improvement on the last because I push myself to expand and build on my writing,” Knight said. “I am very happy with each of my novels but I believe my third is the most complete. I have a long way to go to get where I want to be with my writing but I’ll get there.”

When he gets there what other project could Knight tackle?

“Oh I have projects that I am holding off until I feel that my writing is to a level to properly convey my thoughts and emotions in the story,” Knight said. “I have some stories that have a strong religious backing and subject matter. Who knows, I might include some other topics like politics and/or terrorism.”










The Press thanks you for taking the time to read this column/article. The Press is an Alan Dale creation and is inspired by his DEAD NATIONS’ ARMY (DNA) book trilogy which launches in July with his first novel, “Code Flesh.” The Press hopes you consider subscribing to the site and look forward to more interviews, news features, columns, and many more in the future. Once again, thank you for joining us here at the Press!

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